In the client area, you will find many of the assets necessary to run a successful business without undue exposure to risk.

We understand each business, specialty retail shop and geographic location has its own unique requests and challenges, so please, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you answer questions and advise you on any risk management and insurance needs.

Users Must Login To Access The Complete List of Resources Below

Crash Packs &  In-Store Risk Signage

Crash Packs are legally vetted incident documents and shop reports to properly protect your business, covering technician, customer and witness statements.

Risk Management

Best practices, trainings, and information to set your business up for success.

Release Forms & Other Documents

Release of liability forms ensure all parties are aware of the activities they are signing up for and accept the associated risks.

Other important documents:



Outdoor Sports University

  • Ski technician video training modules
  • Bike technician video training modules
  • General staff video training modules
  • Miscellaneous staff training

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(after you register, we will approve you and then you will receive an email with instructions)

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